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After all, what are the costs of workplace accidents for companies?
The costs of workplace accidents in Brazil exceed R$100 billion per year, according to estimates from a study by Fipe (Economic Research Institute Foundation), linked to the University of São Paulo (USP). In the same proportion of expenses, the number of problems of this type is also alarming.

According to the Digital Observatory of Occupational Health and Safety of the Public Ministry of Labor (MPT), the country recorded 4.26 million accidents in this category in a five-year period. The agency also points out that, in this same period, Social Security paid R$26.2 billion in benefits such as survivor's pensions, sickness benefits, accident benefits and disability retirement.

On average, around R$10 billion is spent each year due to these unforeseen events, according to the National Association of Labor Prosecutors (ANPT).

Want to know more about the costs of workplace accidents and their impact on strategic management? Check out these important tips in this post!
Understand how workplace safety helps reduce expenses
Regardless of the exact amount spent by each organization, it is undeniable that accidents imply more expenses for companies. Often, these expenses are not fully noticeable.
For example: a work accident, in addition to legal labor compensation, may end up in a lawsuit. In this scenario, the amount to be paid out may reach astronomical levels, depending on the consequences for the affected employee.
On the other hand, companies that invest resources in cutting-edge prevention measures are able to minimize the chances of accidents. As a result, the threat of legal conflicts also decreases.
It is also necessary to include in this account the sums of what the company loses. After all, if the company stops production to help an employee, this stoppage will also have a price.
In other words, investments in preventive safety are very small when compared to the costs of workplace accidents.
Know the difference between direct and indirect expenses
Many managers are concerned about the performance of their competitors and also about the need to restrict corporate spending. In this sense, paying attention to regulations can mean an excellent surplus in the company's cash flow.
To truly estimate how much your company loses in costs from workplace accidents, divide these expenses into two categories: direct and indirect.
Let's look at practical examples?
Direct costs
Here, you should include medical and dental expenses, including any hospital stays. Don't forget that possible surgeries can also increase this amount.
If there is any reduction in the employee's ability to work, he or she will have to receive accident benefits. This does not include insurance costs.
Indirect costs
It may be necessary to hire another professional for a certain period of time. To cover for an injured person who is absent, the organization will have to replace him or pay overtime to current employees.
It is also important to remember that there may be damage to machinery and equipment. If an accident occurs due to negligence or irregularities, there will also be costs associated with fines. For this reason, nothing can compensate for a lack of investment in risk prevention.
Learn about some precautionary measures
The work routine, especially when it involves the risk of accidents, needs to be very well organized and disciplined. Employees need to know in advance what threats are present in their work environments.
According to the MPT, more than 90% of workplace accidents could have been avoided with planned actions. Here are some crucial measures:

• orderly environment — a package out of place, left on the floor, for example, can cause serious falls;
• proper use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) — gloves, glasses, boots and the like must be in good condition and used correctly;
• machine maintenance — carry out inspections at the intervals indicated by the manufacturers;
• risk management plans — develop a detailed program to deal with the chances of accidents throughout the plant; this study can be outsourced.

The costs of workplace accidents are therefore not easy to calculate. In any case, it is undeniable how much they disrupt the production routine and financial results. With a good investment in workplace safety, you can significantly reduce this type of expense.

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